End of Zelensky Regime's arrogance is just around the corner. This is due to eminent fall of City of Mariupol. Once any Ukrainian Town is controlled by Russia  ,  the Military Operation by Russia in Ukraine will have great boost and create damaging blow to Zelensky and his American  , UK  and European Union supporters. 

Today April 13 , 2022 over a thousand Ukrainian Marines have surrendered to Russian Armed Forces in Mariupol. And takeover of the strategy port city of Mariupol is few hours away. The stubborn stance of Zelensky to continue military action against Russian Military Operation in Ukraine , with American and NATO military equipments , is responsible for increasing suffering of Ukrainians and destruction of large areas of Mariupol and elsewhere in Ukraine. 

Freedom and Justice describe Russian Operation in Ukraine. Russia wants to be free of threat from NATO presence in Ukraine. The Russian Military Operation in Ukraine is justified. It is necessary for Russia to have a friendly Ukraine as neighbour. Not one in the pockets of America , UK and EU. One which is bent on being a slave to NATO. And may allow NATO  , enemy of Russian Federation , into Ukraine. To use Ukraine as Military launching pad against Russia. 

Russia is determined to control Eastern Donbass Region of Ukraine. And continue to keep breakaway Crimea inside Russian Federation. And avoid any American  , UK and European Union or NATO threats to survival of Russian Federation. It is just and proper for Russia to live in peace with  friendly neighbours and not enemies. Or puppets of enemies of Russia. 

Zelensky must surrender to Russia. And avoid eventual humiliating defeat by Putin 's Russia.  Ukrainian president Volodymry Zelensky is under a  mirage and suicidal. He wants to die. And feels he must die with all Ukrainians. He must by now understand that America  , UK and European Union supporters are just using him to escalate the War.  In order to benefit financially from shipments of War machines and equipments from  America and its NATO friendly Countries to Ukraine.

Negotiations are necessary for peaceful settlement of Russian - Ukrainian Conflict. Unfortunately Zelensky is not faithful to peace talks. He keeps changing Ukraine's position. And continues to make irrational  calls for more military equipments from America and its NATO allies.  He continues pleading  for creation of No Fly Zone over Ukraine by NATO. 

America and NATO allies have flatly rejected Zelensky's call for NATO No Fly Zone over his Country. For simple reason that such involvement by  America and its European allies in NATO may precipitate World War  III. And definitely not in the interest of World Peace. Clearly Volodymry Zelensky is under a mirage. He is suicidal and apocalyptic. He foolishly thinks he is so very special to America  and his Western supporters. What he fails to accept is that he is being used as Western Puppet. 

Western Supporters of Zelensky are not to be trusted. Their main interest is one. That is access to Ukraine. For use to destabilise Russian Federation. And no more. Russia is determined never to have Western Military Forces near its borders. And will do all to achieve this noble objective. Even if it means occupying or controlling all parts of Ukraine strategic to Russia, 

Multi - Sanctions against Russia under Vladimir Putin by America  UK and EU since February 24 Russian Military Operation in Ukraine have clearly failed to deter Putin from defending Majority ethnic Russians in Donbass Region of Eastern Ukraine. 

It must be understood that Russia - Ukraine Conflict started long before February 24 2022. America and European Union instigated uprising in Ukraine in 2014 for removal of Pro-Russian government of Ukraine.  Russia responded by annexing Crimea after Crimean referendum where over 90 % voted to join Russian Federation. 

For eight years the Russian speaking Donbass Region have fought for independence from  Ukraine. With support from Russian Forces. 
